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The Builder's Journey

Mar 23, 2020

The world is in a state of chaos and most of us are left asking questions because we just don’t understand what to do. Alex’s guest today is here to answer some of those questions. Natasha Lloyd is an epidemiologist with a specialty in infectious disease. She was well on her way to skiing in the Olympics when she...

Mar 19, 2020

The zombie apocalypse is here and we’re all going to die! Well, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but it’s very clear to everyone that the world is going through one of the biggest shifts in recent memory. COVID-19 is spreading around the world and all we can do is hunker down and weather the storm. Alex is with...

Mar 11, 2020

Kathy Aalto and Pavan Krueger are in the studio today to try and salvage the forgotten podcast that has been lost to the annals of time because Alex forgot to press record. Kathy is a landscape architect at Ceres Landcare from Kansas and a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Pavan is a sole...