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The Builder's Journey

Dec 17, 2020

As we close in on the end of this crazy year that has been 2020, it’s important to remember that many of these issues will pass over into 2021. We’ve got a bit of a change-up for today’s episode with co-host Scott Turnipseed, Mayor of Eagle, interviewing Chris Pates. Chris is both a resident of Eagle and a long-time friend of Scott’s from their rugby days back in college. The fellas are here to discuss the current state of the world and where we all go from here as the vaccines make their way into availability!


In this episode, Alex, Scott, and Chris talk about…

  • Why Chris and Scott both decided to move to Eagle
  • Chris’s family structure and their respective experiences
  • Jake, Chris’s son (U.S. Olympic Athlete) has a passion for snowboarding and a pain to purpose story
  • Scott’s tenure as Mayor during a global pandemic
  • Assessing the current vaccination processes and procedures
  • Conspiracy theories surrounding the speed of the vaccines
  • The effects of COVID on the desire for different internet providers
  • Challenges of conducting business without traveling
  • Snowboarding and skiing accidents amongst the crew
  • The dangers of the action-sports industry for young kids
  • Plans for the future of action-sports competitions
  • Diving into the Happy Healthy Brain Foundation
  • Rapid-fire questions from Poddecks
  • Everyone should have a podcast


Links to resources:

Fifty Places to Flyfish Before You Die


Liquid Nitrogen Boils at -196C


Happy Healthy Brain Foundation 


Pod Decks "Never podcast without them"!  Alex Mintling - World Famous Podcaster


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Or Text “HOME” to 741741 to connect with a caring crisis or peer counselor


Travis Brown & Team


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